Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Religion and Politics

Can Religion and Politics Ever Mix?

For many Canadians trying to make sense out of the current federal election, adding religion to the mix would only make matters worse. It conjures up images of the latest episode of The Handmaid’s Tale (2011) or certain American politicians (usually with pronounced Southern drawls) using their supposed love of Jesus to justify reactionary and cruel policies.

People of faith can perform another role in our political discourse. They can hold others who claim a religious per-
spective to account. We have all witnessed the ease in which people can twist the teachings of Christ to divide people, feed prejudice and foment hate. Ironically, it is often other religious voices who are best positioned to call these people out. They have the credibility to point out the true nature of Jesus’ teachings.

In the September, 2019 issue of Canada Lutheran, John Milloy – former Ontario Member of Parliament and cabinet minister – enlightens readers to the many facets of the intersection of ‘religion and politics’ and the vast array of world views to consider when diving into the political realm as a practicing Christian.

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