Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Parish Nursing

Combining Health, Healing and Wholeness with Spirituality

If you don’t know what a parish nurse is, you’re not alone. They are, however, growing in numbers in several denominations across the county, with a few of them serving in the Evangelical Lutheran Churchin Canada. Parish nurses are a hybrid of sorts, combining health, healing and wholeness with spirituality. Every parish nurse is a registered nurse with a current license or certificate.

“Every stitch is a healing prayer for that person. It’s a little hug from our congregation,” Carol Kostiuk said. “You don’t know the number of times people [who receive the stitched prayer shawls] have tears running down their faces. It’s so nice to know somebody cares. It’s an awesome ministry.”

Geoff Kirbyson takes a deep look into the lives of three parish nurses from Ontario and Saskatchewan in the April-May 2020 issue of Canada Lutheran. He touches on the daily routines, activities and congregational involvement, as well as the financial barriers/restrictions that these women continue to deal with. Find this story and much more inside the latest issue!

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