Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Outdoor Ministry

Strengthening Our Relationship with Creation and One Another

As the summer months quickly approach, many of us Canadians are looking forward to soaking up the sun in the great outdoors. With regular schooling on pause and the warm weather rolling in, we are able to take a look at how some congregations adjust their gatherings to accommodate for fluctuating numbers. As folks set off for holidays and cottage getaways it leaves us wondering how we will continue our ministry amid the changing seasons, while continuing to use this special time to take in the many gifts of God’s beautiful creation.

With the right combination of faith, spirit and commitment, we can reinvigorate our church to lay the foundation for a prosperous tomorrow. Outdoor ministry is an amazing opportunity to do this. By doing so, in the same way that we now as adults benefited from older generations who were invested in our faith lives and futures, we too can work to step up and do the same for those who are coming after us.

The June 2024 issue of Canada Lutheran takes a look into the spiritual practices of Lutherans during the summer months, with a heightened focus on outdoor camp ministry and vacation Bible school. Explore that and more in Hanne Kuhnert’s piece, ‘Strengthening Our Relationship with Creation and One Another’.

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As the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the mission of Canada Lutheran is to engage the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in a dynamic dialogue in which information, inspiration and ideas are shared in a thoughtful and stimulating way.

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