Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Nurturing Faith

Lifting up the Significant Role of Primary Caregivers and Households

As we look at all that has been dismantled during our struggles with COVID-19, how do we decide which pieces to pick up and in what order to put them back together again? What does this mean for how we nurture and support the faith of children in a pandemic-influenced church? What opportunities for nurturing and supporting faith development in children might be emerging?

As we continue to ask questions about what’s motivating our desire to connect with children, we are drawn deeper into an invitation to nurture our own faith and explore our own relationship with Jesus. This is an opportunity to reconnect with the stories of a God who speaks into chaos and calls forth life, who lifts up those who are burdened, and strengthens those who are weak.

The March 2022 issue of Canada Lutheran features a thorough overview of some of the important roles that the church, people within the church and programs of the church hold – with emphasis on that of the childhood brain – as we begin to shift towards the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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As the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the mission of Canada Lutheran is to engage the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in a dynamic dialogue in which information, inspiration and ideas are shared in a thoughtful and stimulating way.

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