Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Congregational Health

Addressing the Challenges Ahead

Every congregation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) is doing important ministry to the best of their ability. Each strives to provide opportunities for faith to be nourished through diligence in use of Word and Sacrament and through caring service among its members both in the congregation and beyond through their personal lives and through many other opportunities, both in their community and the wider world.

The challenge facing many churches is the vast majority of their budgets are made up of fixed costs, such as the building and the pastor’s salary. Financial difficulties are just one of the problems facing church administrators. Congregations are also having trouble finding members to take on leadership roles, such as chair and treasurer of the congregation’s council.

The April/May 2023 issue of Canada Lutheran zeros in on the many challenges ELCIC congregations are facing all across Canada, as churches re-open their doors following the COVID pandemic. Writer Geoff Kirbyson speaks with a variety of church leaders on the potential for congregations to move forward together, despite some of the current issues faced in post-pandemic 21st century worship.

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As the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the mission of Canada Lutheran is to engage the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in a dynamic dialogue in which information, inspiration and ideas are shared in a thoughtful and stimulating way.

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