Canada Lutheran
The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

A COVID Christmas

We Christians are, First and Foremost, an Incarnation People

As I write, fall is now established, and our oak is beginning to sport its autumn colour. The days are getting shorter, and mercifully cooler. They favour our harvest of squash and the planting of bulbs still a few weeks away.

Out in the world, kids have gone back to school, but not school as usual. We’ve realized, out on our walks, that every second school bus window is faceless, andsome kids don’t leave their homes. Grocers have been renewing their arrows and purchasing permanent sanitizer dispensers to keep us pointed in the right direction and to keep us safe.

The Christmas incarnation I am contemplating here is always mainly outward-directed. In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus told his community that his followers could be discerned among those who fed the hungry, quenched the thirst of the thirsty and visited the imprisoned. (Matthew 25) Today’s list of those in need might be a little longer in reflection of our complex society. But we do have our own hungry and thirsty, do we not? And COVID-19 has brought a cruel incarceration to people in ways we once considered unimaginable.

Rev. André Lavergne explores the various aspects of how COVID-19 has disrupted society, with a focus on Christmas and the coming holiday season in this December 2020 issue of Canada Lutheran.

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