Gimli Lutheran Church went to the Canadian Lutheran World relief (CLWR) open house last September and was struck by the simplicity and the need of the “pillow case” dress project. A remarkable volunteer from the congregation headed the project, which involved seamstresses from the community (most not Lutheran), from Winnipeg, and from the U.S. (snow-birds and American friends) – in two months.
We have reached a myriad of pillow-cases, but many of the dresses are made of new cloth, many made with beautiful trims and pockets. My experience with African culture is that these dresses will be treasured and will be certainly worn to church.

Tom Brook was serving as pastor on the Sunday when we blessed the approximate 100 dresses. Make no mistake, there are at least that many unfinished dresses out in the community, and we are constantly picking up new donated supplies and acquiring new volunteer seamstresses. I thought it might be an interesting project to benefit CLWR, but I am amazed by how it mush- roomed. That’s the power of social media.
— Linda Brook