With heartfelt thanks to the many volunteers from within and outside the small rural community of Pass Lake, ON, located 60 km east of Thunder Bay, our goal was met with being able to hold the Christmas candlelight service in our newly rebuilt church on Dec. 23, 2024. Our wonderful, dedicated, retired pastors Rev. Ed Long and Rev. Arleen Berg-Leishman officiated to a full-to-the-rafters congregation. Not only those from Pass Lake, but also our neighbours in nearby Thunder Bay, Shuniah, Loon, Pearl and Hurkett with some travelling as much as an hour and a half to attend the first service in the new church.
Our 88-year-old church building was lost to a devastating fire in the early morning hours of June 9, 2020. In the months following, the fire debris clean up took place by volunteers and a very conscientious contractor who worked very diligently to do his best to save the concrete basement. This was a huge cost saving. The community was surveyed and there was a resounding opinion to rebuild in the same iconic style. This all occurred during COVID when contractors and building materials were difficult to come by. Salem chose to be patient. The foundation was covered to protect it from the elements until the construction could proceed. Sunday worship and special services continued to be offered at the Pass Lake Community Hall. Unfortunately, the church was insured for only half of its monetary replacement value, so it was of the essence we obtain as much volunteer labour as possible. Volunteers answered the call, some travelling up to an hour from the east and west of Pass Lake with an appointed local project co-ordinator taking the helm.
In September 2023, carpenters, labouers and those who supplied food from Thunder Bay, Shuniah, Pearl, Hurkett and Pass Lake came to the aid to raise Salem from the ashes. Saturdays became church work party days for the next year and a half where such dedicated and taented people helped with the construction and build community. Countless hours were spent on Saturdays and during the week for those who were available on installing concrete forms for the narthex, pouring of the concrete, putting the decking in place, building and erecting the walls, a crane operator from Shuniah and the Thunder Bay company he worked for donated the use of a crane and his expertise to raise the roof trusses into place; sheathing the exterior, installing windows, insulation, drywall and siding. As the saying goes, many hands make light work. About 90 per cent of the work was completed by our amazing volunteers. Subcontractors were hired from Thunder Bay for the electrical, plumbing, furnace installation, drywall finishing, painting and roofing.
Gifts of a new piano and music stands from the Engberg family, donations of paraments, hymnals, candles, an altar, a baptismal font, chairs, etc. were received from St John’s Lutheran Church, Winnipeg, Terrace Bay Community Church, Terrace Bay, ON, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Winnipeg, a menorah from the Danish Lutheran Church of Grimsby, ON, a stoneware communion chalice and paten set created by local potter, Liz Straiton, Ted & Pam Lautzenheiser from Wisconsin, USA, who has a vacation home in the community, generously designed, provided and installed a complete sound system, and a 3 1/2 foot wooden replica schooner donated by Salem lay leader, Bill Wiltshire, that was built by his father, to replace the ship that hung from the ceiling of the sanctuary, which is a tradition in many Danish churches.
There is still some interior finishing to be completed, but that is not preventing us from gathering in the new sanctuary to hold our 10 a.m. Sunday morning worship services. All are welcome!
The congregation of Salem Pass Lake are truly thankful for the generous gift of time and talents of our volunteers, willing to serve others by rebuilding Salem for future generations.
By the Grace of God Only, Salem has Risen from the Ashes.
Thanks be to God.—Debby Jensen (she/her) is a member of Salem Lutheran Church, Pass Lake, Ontario