Noting the obituary for the Rev. Harry Vibe (July/Aug. p. 33), as a colleague of his as district secretaries for the Canadian Bible Society, brought to mind his service for a number of years as the District Secretary for Manitoba, and in his retirement he also served briefly as an Interim District Secretary for the Montreal District.
In 1991, we travelled with a group of Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy to the USSR in its waning days. It was arranged that, we being Lutherans, Harry and I room together throughout the tour.
About midway through the tour we were in a hotel room in Kyiv, Ukraine. We got talking about his ministry in a congregation in Minnesota, early in the 1960s. It rang a bell. At that time, I had transferred a family from our little mission congregation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to that congregation. Harry remembered them.
That the two of us, in that bedroom in Kyiv, had in common this family, years previous, for me in Iowa and for him in Minnesota, and that he now the Canadian Bible Society District Secretary for Manitoba and I the same for Saskatchewan, seemed unique to both of us. —Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Peterson, Saskatoon