I can identify with the many losses that Jamie Foley describes in COVID grief, Sept., pg. 10. I appreciate the tips on how we can share oil from our lamps. The article left me with the desire to be more aware of the needs and situations of my family members, my friends and my neighbour.
At the same time, I had to wonder why Foley chose to use the Parable of the Bridesmaids to urge us to “share our oil.” Why go to all the trouble of having to reinterpret this parable? There are countless examples of Bible verses and passages that show that sharing what we have with others is beneficial to both the giver and the recipient. I would have found any of those easier to relate to, and more helpful than trying to understand and accept the steps involved in the reinterpretation of the parable. —Rev. Jim Goos, Pembroke, ON