Re: Replacement theology, Q&A, March p. 15.
Thank you for this article. I’ve had this discomfort with the tension between our Christian use of scripture and my understanding of the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Given what I learned from the article, I think the photo on page 26 that includes a banner quoting John 14:6: No one comes to the Father except through me, is an example of Replacement Theology with its roots in the earliest Christian church. I am certain that the early Christian writers felt comfortable ascribing these words to Jesus.
However, God had already promised to the Jews that God will be their God and they will be God’s people (cf, Genesis 17:8, Exodus 29:45, Leviticus 26:45 and Ezekiel 14:11). Since the Jews to whom Jesus is speaking, as well as Jesus himself as a Jew, already had a relationship with God, it doesn’t make sense to me that Jesus would say that they don’t have a relationship with God because their relationship didn’t come through Jesus.
—Rev. Dave Whynot, Bridgewater, NS