We are called to preach repentance and salvation. Thank God we have learned to joyfully and generously proclaim God’s love and forgiveness. But we are failing to preach about repentance. Church has become too tame, too eager to please, too nice.
Children and youth understand that life is dangerous, hard and uncertain. They have the passion to pledge themselves to something great. Let’s give them the risk and adventure they seek. Let’s include these unpopular sermon topics:
God will judge the world. Because God loves everyone deeply, God hates bullying, shoving and ripping others off. Those who do such things will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Nor will they experience the deeper blessings of God in this lifetime.
We have an enemy. Satan, whether a person or a syndrome, waits to inflame self-pity, pride, and idolatry, which are all related. Parts of the culture in which we live are rotten with vanity and greed.
God calls us to holiness. Every thought must be taken captive for Christ. Every blessing must be laid on the altar.
Nothing is more important than making time for prayer and worship. Things will not fall into place unless we put God first.
The communion with God we all long for begins now.—Anya Hageman, Kingston, Ont.