Gerry Rosenquist, M.D., FRCS(C)
South Dundas Lutheran Community Church in Williamsburg, ON.
I am writing this letter in response to Susan’s article: Lazurus, come out. Congratulations on your forthrightness. I’ve always admired your family. Lois (my wife) and I were good friends of your parents. In fact, I remember a visit your family made to our cottage on Ault Island where your family taught our kids the song “I’m a long tall Texan” which our grandkids have also learned.
I was one of those who originally thought homosexuality was learned, not inborn. After a few years of medical practice, it became apparent to me that “one was born that way.” You are powerless to remove it. So, we should accept it as the church now seems to be doing, by embracing our gay friends, as Christ would have us do. I’m sorry that you had to live in silence for so long but your article today must give you the opportunity to finally say in the words of Martin Luther King—“free at last.”
In Christian love, Gerry Rosenquist, M.D., FRCS(C)