Beginning an intentional process.
Following 18 years leading the ELCIC as National Bishop, Rev. Susan Johnson has announced her intention to retire at the conclusion of her term, which coincides with the 2025 ELCIC National Convention. National Church Council has been considering a more intentional process to elect our next national bishop. Johnson shares more about that process in the following Q & A.
Q: The election of a new national bishop following your 18 years of ministry in this role feels like a big step for our church. How will we even begin to consider this process?
A: For the next few months we are encouraging groups across the church to begin a discernment process to consider what we as a church might be looking for in a new bishop and even who a possible bishop might be through a pre-identification process. To assist with this, a Discernment Study Guide has been created, along with a job description for the national bishop that includes an overview of the skills required. All of these are available on the ELCIC website for download.
Q: What is the pre-identification process?
A: The pre-identification process is a way to get to start knowing more about potential candidates for national bishop. Further information and the forms for this process will be available in January and the pre-identification period will run through to March 31, 2025.
Q: Why pre-identify and not nominate?
A: In our governing documents, nominating does not begin until the first ballot at convention. We are hoping that pre-identification will help people in the discernment process, so they are ready to nominate at convention.
Q: Can anyone pre-identify someone?
A: Any member of the ELCIC can participate. Pre-identifying a candidate must be done in writing, it needs to be endorsed by eight ELCIC members (four lay and four rostered serving under call or appointment). There can be no more than two endorsements from any one congregation or synodically recognized ministry, and at least two synods must be represented. ELCIC members can only endorse one candidate and candidates need to consent to having their names put forward during this part of the process.
Q: What will happen after March 31, 2025 when the pre-identification period is closed?
A: The task force will work with all those who have been pre-identified to share out more information about their background, experience and gifts. This will be done through biographical information and video interviews.
Q: So then what happens at convention?
A: As per our bylaws, the election for national bishop starts with an ecclesiastical ballot. Each delegate receives a blank piece of paper to write down who they think should be elected. If there isn’t a three-quarter majority on that ballot it becomes the nominating ballot.
Q: Do delegates have to nominate one of the pre-identified candidates?
A: No, any rostered pastor in the ELCIC is eligible for nomination.
Q: What happens next?
A: We continue to follow the process oulined in our bylaws until an election is declared. This could mean proceeding all the way to six ballots with speeches (before the fourth ballot) and nominees responding to questions (before the fifth ballot), along the way.
Q: Why is this process so important?
A: The national bishop is the chief pastor and chief executive officer of the church. It is important that we enter into this process to elect our next national bishop prayerfully, thoughtfully and intentionally.
Rev. Susan Johnson
ELCIC National Bishop